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Docker(도커) 다운그레이드 하는 방법 본문

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Docker(도커) 다운그레이드 하는 방법

보뇨 2019. 2. 21. 10:02

쿠버네티스를 사용하기위해서 도커를 설치했는데 도커를 최신버전으로 설치하는바람에 워닝이 뜸

그래서 다운그레이드 찾아보다가 생각보다 많이 없어서 여기에 포스팅함

  1. Manuallly placed my site in read-only mode
  2. Performed apt-get update/upgrade (not really relevant buy hey, why not)
  3. Power off
  4. Take snapshot (digital ocean)
  5. Power on
  6. Ensure site is still in read only mode
  7. Remove my docker app: ( docker rm -f app )
  8. Stop the docker service ( service docker stop )
  9. Downgrade Docker to 17.10 ( apt-get install docker-ce=17.10.0~ce-0~ubuntu )
  10. Make sure Docker doesn’t get automatically upgraded again (see here 23)
  11. Start docker ( service docker start )
  12. Rebuild the app ( ./launcher rebuild app ) (not sure if this was required but thought I’d play it safe)
  13. Reboot the entire server

위와 같이 진행하면 된다고함 물론 해보니 됨 ㅎㅎ


